11 Months


So much baby. So much good.

Weight: 19ish

Height: 29″

Sleep: Very well! Even with Daylight Savings time. Goes to sleep at 7:30 and wakes up around 8.

Clothes/Diapers (Sizes): 12 month clothes and 3/4 in diapers

Diet: Anything and everything. Mexican, Thai…. And still some pouches when were on the go.

Milestones/Firsts: We have ourselves a little walker! She’s been at it for a few weeks now. All. Over. The Place. She can imitate a few words and especially loves the word ball.

Likes: Giving high fives. Not sitting still. Giving kisses (they’re usually nice, wet open moth kisses, but I’ll take what I can get!) Food. Eating. Carrying around her purse or any other bag-like item. Slides. Dancing.. She can drop it low and raise the roof.

Dislikes: Being told no. She already has a very good pout.

As for me: Tired! Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina…. All in October. Now I just have one more event, but luckily it’s in home sweet Chattanooga. I have absolutely no intentions of leaving Chattanooga for any reason until Thanksgiving. Of course I still have plenty to do to get ready for Colette’s first birthday and.. wait for it… Christmas! I already took down the few Halloween decorations I had up this year, and now I’m ready for Christmas decor! A lot of people get their feathers ruffled when Christmas comes out this early, but I like to have my stuff out early so it can be enjoyed for more than a couple of weeks. It is, after all, the most wonderful time of year, so why not enjoy it as long as possible.


I have one more post to make about our first Halloween! I’ll probably have that one our on Wednesday!




